
You only have to know one thing
you can learn anything

Free Course & FREE Software

You only have to know one thing
you can learn anything

Full Training & 16 Software Programs FREE

"The expert in anything was once a beginner."

- Helen Hayes

Free course and Free software? YES!
We are going to teach you how to use python effectively, without actually needing to learn to code.
It is so much easier than you think it is, and once you start the course, you'll be hooked!

Education That Matters

Advanced Apps
Code Discussions, Requests & Live Support
Download Source Code

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NOTICE: We are updating all code and tutorials, so some titles mentioned below may not yet be available.

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16 Popular Apps Included FREE

# No more sketchy exe downloads, no more web apps spying on your profitable campaigns!
You OWN and run the direct program source code right from your own computer!


Welcome To A Much Better Software Experience!
100% Completely FREE
When you run programs in python on your own computer, you are providing yourself a far higher level of protection than any antivirus can ever give you!

Your Ticket to Digital Empowerment

Unleash the Power of Python
Are you ready to take your digital journey to a whole new level without breaking the bank? Say goodbye to expensive executables and web apps from unknown sources and say hello to the world of Python - where you have complete control, freedom, and the power to run code effortlessly!

# Introducing our revolutionary course -Locustware ToolBox- and here's the best part - it's completely FREE! That's right; you don't need to spend a dime to embark on this life-changing adventure. We believe in knowledge, and with this course, we empower you with the ability to run Python code on your own computer without the need to write a single line of code.

However, if you find yourself in a position where you crave more code, more apps, more complete tutorials, it doesn't matter if it is simple, advanced, or +Advanced with GUI included... We have you covered.

Click the "See More" button to take a look at our additional material and pick-n-choose what you want, selecting only the things that make sense for your business and your needs.

Additional Training And Source Code

Our free training course material take you to a point of being well established and very capable of running python code successfully.

And at our official launch we have included 16 apps for you to learn on (with the real possibility of more being added over time) and each one comes with complete source code that you OWN, no strings attached.


We are teamed up with two marketing master strategists.

The reality of marketing in todays landscape is automation and strategy.

Our Strategists, Kim & Doug, have mastered the art of seeing-around-the-corner when it comes to local and small business marketing and automation.

Click the "See Strategies" button above to take a look at marketing strategies you may have not thought of before, or maybe some you have thought of but couldn't quite put it all together.

Additional Information Not Related To User Experience

Learning Python without the Need to Write Code: Empowering Beginners with Source Code

Python, a versatile and beginner-friendly programming language, has gained immense popularity among aspiring developers and tech enthusiasts. While learning to code is an essential skill, some individuals may be intimidated by the prospect of delving into programming from scratch. In this article, we will explore a unique approach to learning Python that allows beginners to skip the initial coding process by providing source code, thereby making the learning journey more accessible and enjoyable.

The Source Code Approach

Traditional coding tutorials often require learners to start from the basics, including understanding programming concepts and syntax before progressing to more complex code structures. However, the source code approach flips the conventional learning process, enabling learners to explore ready-made Python programs and comprehend how they work without the burden of writing code from scratch.

This approach is particularly beneficial for those who are more visual learners or who prefer a hands-on approach to learning. By examining complete and functional source code examples, students can focus on understanding the logic behind the code and how it interacts with various components. As a result, they can grasp programming concepts more effectively and quickly.

Advantages of the Source Code Approach

  1. Immediate Engagement: With pre-prepared source code, beginners can dive straight into practical examples without spending time setting up their development environment or writing preliminary code. This immediate engagement boosts motivation and excitement about learning Python.
  2. Concept Comprehension: By studying complete programs, learners gain a comprehensive understanding of how different programming elements come together to create a functional application. This approach enhances their ability to analyze and troubleshoot code, a crucial skill for any programmer.
  3. Focus on Logic and Problem-Solving: Since learners are not preoccupied with writing syntax correctly, they can focus on understanding the logic and reasoning behind each line of code. This helps build problem-solving skills, which are fundamental to coding.
  4. Incremental Learning: The source code approach often employs a step-by-step learning process, gradually introducing learners to more complex examples. This incremental learning allows students to build on their knowledge gradually, promoting a solid foundation in Python.
  5. Reduced Frustration: Many beginners encounter frustration and discouragement when they struggle to write error-free code. By utilizing source code, learners can bypass this initial obstacle and concentrate on learning Python's concepts, reducing frustration and fostering a positive learning experience.

Incorporating Interactivity

To maximize the benefits of the source code approach, interactive learning tools can be employed. Online platforms, interactive coding challenges, and visual programming environments can be used to present source code examples and allow learners to modify and experiment with them. This interactivity encourages active learning, experimentation, and a deeper understanding of Python concepts.

Pair Programming and Collaboration

Pair programming, a method in which two individuals work together on a coding task, can further enhance the source code approach. Collaborating with another learner, mentor, or tutor fosters knowledge sharing, brainstorming, and problem-solving skills. This teamwork helps to consolidate the knowledge gained from studying the source code and cultivates a supportive learning community.


Learning Python without the need to write code, while a unique approach, has proven to be an effective method for empowering beginners in their programming journey. By providing complete source code examples, learners can focus on comprehending Python's logic and concepts without feeling overwhelmed by the initial complexities of coding. The source code approach, coupled with interactivity and collaborative learning, can pave the way for aspiring programmers to develop their skills and enthusiasm for Python programming. As they grow in confidence, they can gradually transition into writing their code, armed with a solid understanding of Python's principles and capabilities.

Unleashing Your Potential: Free Video Tutorial Training Course with Full Source Code Access

In today's fast-paced digital age, acquiring new skills and knowledge is vital to staying ahead in the competitive job market and realizing your full potential. Thankfully, there is an abundance of online learning resources available to help you achieve your goals. Among these, one stands out as a beacon of opportunity: the Free Video Tutorial Training Course with Full Source Code Access.

Free Video Tutorial Training Course

This comprehensive video tutorial training course offers a diverse range of subjects that cater to learners of all levels - from beginners to seasoned professionals. The course is thoughtfully curated to ensure an engaging and immersive learning experience, with expert instructors guiding you through each step of the process.

With this free course, you can explore a multitude of exciting topics, including web development, mobile app development, data science, machine learning, artificial intelligence, game development, graphic design, and much more. The flexibility of the online platform allows you to learn at your own pace, making it an ideal choice for students, professionals, and hobbyists alike.

Full Source Code Access

One unique feature that sets this free training course apart from others is the provision of full source code access. After all, what better way to truly understand the concepts you're learning than by diving into the actual code that makes it all work?

By providing the source code of each project and tutorial, learners gain an invaluable opportunity to explore, experiment, and customize their applications. This hands-on experience not only reinforces the theoretical knowledge but also instills a deeper understanding of the practical applications.

Keywords Galore

To fully appreciate the extent of this treasure trove of knowledge, let's take a closer look at some related and relevant keywords that encapsulate the essence of this remarkable free video tutorial training course:

  • Online Learning
  • Free Courses
  • Video Tutorials
  • Source Code Access
  • Web Development
  • Mobile App Development
  • Data Science
  • Machine Learning
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Game Development
  • Graphic Design
  • Programming
  • Coding
  • Software Development
  • Frontend Development
  • Backend Development
  • Open Source
  • Interactive Learning
  • Hands-on Experience
  • Self-Paced Learning
  • Skill Enhancement
  • Career Advancement
  • Professional Development
  • Hobby Learning
  • Curriculum Diversity

Full Source Code Access

One unique feature that sets this free training course apart from others is the provision of full source code access. After all, what better way to truly understand the concepts you're learning than by diving into the actual code that makes it all work?

By providing the source code of each project and tutorial, learners gain an invaluable opportunity to explore, experiment, and customize their applications. This hands-on experience not only reinforces the theoretical knowledge but also instills a deeper understanding of the practical applications.

Empowering a New Generation of Learners

With the Free Video Tutorial Training Course with Full Source Code Access, access to top-tier education is democratized, enabling learners from all walks of life to unlock their potential and pursue their dreams. Whether you aspire to become a web developer, data scientist, or AI specialist, this comprehensive course has got you covered.

The combination of expert-led video tutorials and complete access to source code ensures a holistic learning experience that is both stimulating and rewarding. Embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment, and embrace the boundless possibilities that lie ahead.

So, what are you waiting for? Take the plunge into the world of free online learning and start your transformation today! Embrace the power of knowledge, seize the opportunity, and set forth on your path to success. Happy learning!

Empowering a New Generation of Learners

With the Free Video Tutorial Training Course with Full Source Code Access, access to top-tier education is democratized, enabling learners from all walks of life to unlock their potential and pursue their dreams. Whether you aspire to become a web developer, data scientist, or AI specialist, this comprehensive course has got you covered.

The combination of expert-led video tutorials and complete access to source code ensures a holistic learning experience that is both stimulating and rewarding. Embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment, and embrace the boundless possibilities that lie ahead.

So, what are you waiting for? Take the plunge into the world of free online learning and start your transformation today! Embrace the power of knowledge, seize the opportunity, and set forth on your path to success. Happy learning!