Locustware Keyword Tool – LKT

The thing about keywords…
You either have the right ones or you don’t.

Do you see yourself getting the absolute best keywords in your niche?

– Best possible keywords at your fingertips at all times.
– Puts you in a position where you can hammer down those page one listings pretty much on demand.
– Get real results by going deeper with more accuracy. Pulls All relevant and related keywords.
– Allows Positive/Negative Filtering
– Featuring a Prepend | Append helper tool for your keywords. Handy for adding locations and more.
– Allows Mass Append.
– Auto-Saves your list on the fly.

Nothing feels better than knowing that you finally have the best possible keywords at your fingertips at all times.

This positions you so that you can hammer down those page one listings pretty much on demand.

You may be using the free little online tools… They are ok if you are just doing this stuff for a hobby. But, if you want to see real results, you have to go deeper.

Or maybe you have picked up a paid keyword tool software… Many of them are great!

I have bought several over the years and on many occasions could almost hear the cha-ching of money hitting my account because of the volume of keywords it was finding.

But then when I drill down into that list, I get that familiar sinking feeling as I see 80% of the keywords are not really directly related to what I was needing.

So, although many of us do need volume when it comes to keywords, we actually need accuracy more than anything else.

See What I mean? If you give me a keyword list of 1000 that is tightly related to my niche, then I can easily manipulate that list to turn into 5000 little money makers, or even 50,000 if that is what I need.

So I created LKT to focus on accuracy more so than volume, but there was a surprising side effect. As long as you aren’t using obscure keywords, it is pretty common to also get high volume.

So I get to feel the benefits of both worlds. I get quality and I get volume… It is truly sweet music to my ears!

Picture this – You enter your main root keyword into the software and gently tap the left mouse button to get the program rolling.

You’re watching it update every 30 seconds with more and more quality keywords surrounding your niche.

Then you feel your stomach growling so you leave to get something to eat.

You come back later that night, or you get caught up in something else and don’t get back for a day or two.

You have a sinking feeling in your heart that surely the program has frozen up or your computer restarted or something else equally as tragic.

As you walk up and look at your screen you see the program still plugging away… Then you feel instant relief as you see that the program has been auto-saving your list for you so that no matter what happens, you don’t lose that valuable list.

This, In My Opinion Is The Evolution Of Keyword Accuracy Tools

Now, you feel that you have retrieved all of the relevant keywords that you possibly can. But it isn’t quite enough volume and you have a pattering of keywords in the mix that just does not fit your needs.

So now we crack open some of the helper tools that are attached directly to the keyword tool.

Let’s look at this scenario… You have a good list and it is big enough. But you are a local marketer and need to geo-target those keywords to the area that you are focused on right now.

So, click that Prepend|Append button on your software and depending on your needs, you enter your geo data once and run it and it will then attach that geodata to each keyword so that you now not only have a powerful and accurate list, you also have the exact geo-targeting that you need at the moment.

Now let’s feel out another scenario… The software put together a great list for you, but some off-putting keyword somehow got into the mix and is showing up randomly throughout your list.

So let’s tap on that Filter List button in the software. This is a positive/negative filtering option.

So now it is going to glide through our list and remove every keyword that contains that one specific keyword – the one you did not like.

One the other hand, if you had set the toggle to yes, then it would filter your list so that the only ones remaining were the ones that in fact did have that specific word in them.

One more scenario to wrap our hands around – Let’s say you are not only a local marketer, but you also need a massive set of keywords because you aren’t geo-targeting a single place, instead you are geo-targeting a lot of places all at once.

Now you have to look in the menu item area to discover the hidden gem I buried there!

It’s called Big Append… And it is a force to be reckoned with, to say the least.

See that list of 1000 keywords you build? And you have a list of 100 geo targets that you want to keyword up.

Well, hit that big append and you’ll hammer that little list of 1000 into a massive list of 100,000 unique, targeted and perfect keywords for your niche within the span of a few seconds.

See what I mean… From finesse to raw brute force – LKT has you covered!

So, in our example, we do not want our keywords to contain some specific word, so we slide the toggle over to “no” and enter the word and then run the filter.