Gseo Introduction

By Locustware Software

Our latest creation has come about because of all of the major Google algorithm updates of late. Many sites have lost significant traffic and rankings because of these changes.

The proliferation of AI content writers was the big hope for many. However, they mostly create generic content for the topic that is more human readable but not necessarily content that will rank. They are missing out on many of the things that Google is looking for to consider it great content.

Let’s briefly summarize some of the changes and talk about what is needed in your content.
In the past, it was certain web pages that would rank on a site somewhat irrespective of what other pages were also on that site.

Today, Google attempts to determine what the actual topic is that your site is about and whether the pages on your site demonstrate that you are an expert about that topic. Having content that is not in step with the main topic of your site can now actually hurt your site and it’s pages rank in the SERPs.

The method being used is often referred to as Topical Relevance.

There are numerous articles, books and videos discussing exactly what Topical Relevance/Topical Authority/Semantic Search is so we will not be discussing that here. What we do want to touch on, however, is how Google knows whether you are a leading expert about a topic or not.

Once Google has determined what it believes is the topic of your site, it then creates a pool of specific things that you should be talking about in your articles. These items are typically called entities and refer to singular, unique items.

Google then scans your pages to see if you have discussed these entities in your articles. So it’s very important to know what they are looking for.

The typical article research now includes scraping all the content from the top sites for a topic and find out what entities are used. Then you incorporate all of these into your articles and hope that you cover the topic better than the other sites do.

This process is very time consuming!

Gseo gives you the jump start to get going on your content and identifies some of the top entities that Google is hoping to find for your topic. It also shortens the effort in creating an outline for your article. Gseo will also help you to create higher quality articles using any AI content generator.