The Organic Traffic Platform Strategy

To be successful with Organic Traffic Platform (OTP), you need to understand the strategy before trying to build your traffic network. If you don’t, you will likely find out that your traffic network is not optimally created and not providing you the traffic that you wanted. This will often make you delete all the work you have done and start all over again. So we hope that you go through the training first and then start building your first traffic network.

What Is Organic Traffic Platform?

The goal of OTP is to create a traffic network around a very specific niche or topic – 10 or more separate domains all sending traffic to our offer. This is done by creating websites that are full of great articles specifically for our selected niche and covering every aspect of that niche. An article is made up of a Title and supporting content that is closely related to the title.

Basic Steps of Organic Traffic Platform

The first step is to select the niche or topic for our Traffic Network. It is important to select a niche or topic that is lucrative. It’s should also have multiple products available so that you are able to direct your traffic to new money sources over time. We then do the research to find and use all the possible titles that will be very close or exact matching to any search regardless of supposed search volume. When the search engines start to explore your site to see what’s there, they start to find all these niche focused articles. And since the OTP software uses content that the search engines have already shown to like, they will start to show some of those pages when someone is searching for the topic specified by the title and text of our article. This is how OTP creates our traffic. We are doing a special type of content marketing known as Topical Relevance. By creating a large number of articles that completely cover our chosen topic, our site and it’s pages build authority around that topic. Feel free to search Topical Relevance online for further knowledge and understanding. The articles created are for the search engines to find and use and rank. For the visitors that arrive, they will see the message we create just for them. This message will describe the benefits our offer will have for these specific visitors and to entice them to act. Our site creates the traffic and YOUR message should create the call to action and conversion of the visitor.

This is true mass marketing at it’s finest.